Photo Details

photographer: Lon E. Lauber - WINDIGOIMAGES.COM | see all photos from Lon E. Lauber - WINDIGOIMAGES.COM

Image Description

Steve Boharski fly fishing for trout on a rainy fall day on the St. Joe River, ID, netting fish Lon E. Lauber – WINDIGOIMAGES.COM

Image Keywords

ID Idaho St. Joe River Steve Boharski autumn bent rod bringing in fish catching fish cutthroat trout fishing drizzle dry fly fishing fall fighting fish fisherman fishing fly fisherman fly fishing fly fishing for Westslope cutthroat trout fly rod flyfishing mist misty netting fish overcast playing fish rain rainy recreation river river fishing sport fishing trout fishing vertical wet

Fishing, fly fishing for trout.

Image #7Q-d184-0523.jpg

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