Photo Details

photographer: Lon E. Lauber - WINDIGOIMAGES.COM | see all photos from Lon E. Lauber - WINDIGOIMAGES.COM

Image Description

Mammals, Columbian black-tailed deer, blacktails, mature buck lying down, bedded, next to old snag, Lon E. Lauber – WINDIGOIMAGES.COM

Image Keywords

CA California Columbia blacktails Columbian black-tailed deer Odocoileus hemionus columbianus animals antlers bedded bedded down big game black-tailed deer blacktails buck deer early season hiding horizontal hot log lying down male mammals mature mature buck northern California relaxing resting shade shadows showing natural camouflage snag tired ungulates velvet covered antlers warm wildlife wildlife terms

Columbian black-tailed deer, Columbia blacktail deer stock photo

Image #7Q-d184-2483.jpg

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